Herbalife Products

Herbalife products include Herbalife Shapeworks weight loss products, herbal supplements, beauty, Facial Skin Care products and hair products. Reaching your goal weight is the first step toward optimum health. Herbalife has 25 years of experience in helping people lose weight and achieve improved well-being with natural herbal supplements and facial skin care products. Herbalife weight loss products can help you navigate the path to weight loss by ensuring you get the weight off for good!

Sunday, July 16, 2006

At Herbalife, we understand the challenges you face when it comes to losing weight. That's why we've created the ShapeWorks™ Weight Management Program. A breakthrough in weight loss, the ShapeWorks™ Program combines our 25-year heritage of weight loss with the latest in scientific research. By combining Cellular Nutrition and the power of protein, you experience more energy and control hunger while you lose weight. The ShapeWorks™ Program is simple, healthy, and best off all - it works.